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12 Must have features of Online Document Management Software

Writer: Yun QuYun Qu

The need for sorting and organizing documents, folders and files is now greater than ever. There are many online document management systems with various features. What are the ‘must-have’ capabilities? It seems as though new technologies are introduced every day which promise to offer flexibility for the user. With so many choices, decision makers can find themselves baffled and often overlook the core essence of Online Document Management System software. The intent is for an organization to preserve, define, store, index, update and explore archived or the newly produced organization knowledge. Let’s break these down and take a look in detail:

1. Search

Every user handles many files and they must be able to search them really quickly by using only few letters of what he is looking for.

2. Drag n’ drop

A user must be able to drag n’ drop files from the desktop into the online document management system. This feature is a time efficient utility system.

3. Embedded viewer

No need to download any file to your desktop. Quick open and edit your files online. Document management software is an integral part of the QMS system and we at QMSC have the best technical expertise to assist in all your endeavors.

4. Versioning

Another must have functionality of an online document management system is the ability of storing previous versions of the file, restoration of those files and also see the owner and upload date/time.

5. File Locking

Lock is a great way of blocking the modification of files. If you lock a file, no-one else can move, edit, delete this file until the user who had locked it, unlock it.

6. Sharing and rating

A robust and agile online Document management system will enable you to share any folder or file with your team, or other specific users as well as ability to rate its value.

Thus, collaboration is more effective than ever, while each user can relate a document with tasks, opportunities or contracts from the CRM package and any other entity.

7. Files and folders rights

An online document management system must be able to define all users who have access to the folders and the files as well as also define the editing rights, so that not all users can modify all files but only specific ones

8. Document linking

A good Document Management System must allow interlinking of documents for better organization of files and also ability of linking a document with other relevant object inside the platform.

9. Informed

The notification system allows you to notify other users about any file or folder update with direct notification messages.

10. Document Input

Most businesses combine paper and digital files when it comes to document input.

Therefore, the ideal Document Management System must allow imputing files through the following sources:

  • Scanner

  • Email

  • Manual Upload

  • Bulk Upload

  • Automated Process for Mass Uploading

  • Mobile Applications

  • Web Services

11. Document Security

The most critical aspect of document management systems is ‘security’. A robust Document Management System will be able to deliver a high level of document encryption, role based rights to use, as well as:

  • Audit Trail

  • User and Roles

  • Advanced Access rights

  • Encrypted Documents on file system

  • Indexing all revisions

  • Supports SSL

  • Modify Ownership

12. Customization

Every business has its own need of DMS, hence the need for customization. Each enterprise has its own specifics requirements that need to be take in consideration. Therefore, a model Document Management System must be agile and allow a certain level of customization to:

  • Create customized Windows and Records

  • Generate Custom Fields and Reports

  • Add custom Document Attributes

  • Describe custom workflow

  • Create Custom Dashboard Reports

The QMSC Document Management System software can be installed on premises, on either your private cloud or on the cloud services offered by us. Our web based mobile software is easy and light enough to run on mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets and assists you to be in control of your documents from anywhere without any obstructions.

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